Atlanta Aquaseal
Atlanta Aquaseal® (PVC Waterstop) is the most modern & advance water sealing product developed to meet the specific requirements of designers & builders. It prevents seeping through of liquids in dams, basements, aqueducts, swimming pools, roof decks, tanks reservoirs, underpasses, canals, cellars and other watertight structures. It conforms with U.S. Corps of Engineers specification CRD-572-70.
► Easy to Install
► Can Be Welded
► Corrosive
► Chemical Resistant
► Flexible
► Weather Resistant

Corrugated Rib Type with Center Bulb 1

Corrugated Rib Type with Center Bulb 2

Corrugated Tapered with Center Bulb Fin Type 1

Corrugated Tapered with Center Bulb Fin Type 2

Dumbell Type with Center Bulb

Corrugated Rib Type without Center Bulb

Corrugated Rib Type without Center Bulb 2

Corrugated Fin Type without Center Bulb

External Type with Fin

External Type Plain