Installation Setbacks You Haven’t Thought About

Installing water distribution systems in newly built structures, or retrofitting existing structures requires reliable pipe materials and a dependable installation method.


However, there’s more to it than that. Short-term hazards, long-term faults, and environmental difficulties can occur which can affect water quality and system performance. 

Here are some of the common and less common issues that can threaten plumbing pipe performance and how FlowGuard CPVC goes the extra mile to maintain system quality for years beyond its alternatives. 


Thermal Expansion

One of the more common threats to all piping systems is thermal expansion and contraction. While all piping systems must account for this, the longer the system is, the more needs to be done to prevent additional stress-causing leakages. 

A popular way of preventing damage is to install expansion loops, creating a “U” shape that allows for movement back and forth without sustaining damage. Expansion joints are also used where there is no adequate space for a loop.

FlowGuard CPVC, while strong, is also flexible. This means a degree of movement can be allowed without sustaining damage. Where expansion loops are necessary, these can be easily installed using FlowGuard CPVC, prolonging the system even further. 


Aged Pipe Material

Time will always be a factor. In metal pipes, pitting corrosion and pinhole leaks are a major threat. PPR pipe degrades over time as it cannot withstand the natural presence of chlorine in the water, eroding the pipe walls over time. 

Even FlowGuard CPVC is affected by time as it can appear discolored. Its true life expectancy, however, is still relatively unknown. FlowGuard CPVC has been installed successfully in plumbing applications for 60 years and some of the earliest installations remain operational to this day.

Regardless of its longevity, if repairs are necessary, clean, square cuts in the affected area are all that it takes, provided a new, strong solvent cement bond can be applied. 


Hot Weather

It is important to think about the thermal effects of your environment, not only at the installation stage but during the overall system’s life cycle. 

For example, one of the biggest threats to pipework outdoors is UV; this can break down many different materials over time, especially plastic materials that are simply not equipped to absorb UV energy safely. 

FlowGuard CPVC is engineered using high levels of UV and is naturally resistant to this challenging outdoor threat. In fact, FlowGuard CPVC has been successfully installed outdoors in extremely high and extremely low temperatures. 


Compatibility with Other Materials

In many cases, pipe material must be integrated into existing systems made of alternative materials. It is not uncommon for CPVC to be integrated into copper or steel systems during retrofit or repairs. 

However, not all CPVC is the same, just as all materials have subtle differences in the way they handle the same mechanical task. It is always important to check compatibility with additional materials when you have selected your main piping material. 

FlowGuard CPVC has made this process easier. The FBC System compatible program helps installers choose additional materials for installation that work seamlessly with FlowGuard CPVC, delivering peace of mind to both installers and customers. 


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